Anmiter, ounila valley

the village that survived
the earthquake in September 2023 :
A story of resilience and reconstruction

Social development

the food bank supports associations
and EPS daily throughout the year

Anmiter, ounila valley

the village that survived
the earthquake in September 2023 :
A story of resilience and reconstruction

Social development

the food bank supports associations
and EPS daily throughout the year

President’s words

Since 2002, the Food Bank
has never stopped supporting the most disadvantaged.

Faithful to its primary mission of collecting foodstuffs from donors and redistributing them through a network of partner associations, the Food Bank uses food aid as a lever for social reintegration and the fight against exclusion.

In order to reduce school dropout rates in rural areas, the Food Bank assists nearly one hundred girls' shelters (dar taleba) by providing them with non-perishable foodstuffs, hygiene products, clothing and school materials as well as dormitory equipment.


The Food Bank is a non-profit association recognised as being in the public interest. It was set up in 2002 on the initiative of Karim Tazi, an industrialist who was behind the creation of several networks of associations and companies.

The Food Bank was founded on the principles that govern its day-to-day work:





No Food Waste

Our mission

The main mission of the Food Bank is the collection of foodstuffs from various donors and their redistribution to needy populations via a network of associations and social welfare institutions throughout the country.

It provides the link between donors and beneficiary associations by making its logistical resources available (storage, transport, delivery).

The Food Bank devotes a significant part of its aid to supporting social development actions, in particular the fight against school drop-out in rural areas.

As such, we have contributed to keeping thousands of girls and boys in school until their baccalaureate giving them access to the right to food.

Our objectives

The Food Bank ensures a regular supply to more than 200 associations throughout Morocco.

Its objective is to free the beneficiary partner associations from the food constraint so that they can fully devote themselves to their primary mission.

This objective cannot be achieved without the support and involvement of donors and volunteers: the network of volunteers is crucial to ensure the smooth running of daily actions and exceptional situations.

To summarize, the objective of the Food Bank is to lift the food constraint in order to allow women and men to regain their dignity and to become actors of society.

Our commitments to the SDGs

At the Food Bank, we believe that everyone has a role to play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals that provide a roadmap for addressing global sustainable development challenges.

Finally, the Food Bank agrees with SDG 13 "Fight against climate change":

In particular through its support to the fight against food waste. Indeed, our actions allow hundreds of tons of foodstuffs with a short use-by date to be used instead of being destroyed, and thus, to reduce their carbon footprint at the same time. We also encourage our partners to mutualize.

The Food Bank ensures that the SDGs are integrated into its activities and that it is aligned with internationally agreed standards and values.More specifically, the Food Bank is aligned with the SDG 2 Zero Hunger:

To eliminate hunger and ensure food security. Indeed, hunger remains a significant obstacle to sustainable development, even though it is the basis for a better future. Hunger limits human development and can also hinder other MDGs such as those related to education, gender equality and health. The Food Bank, whose main mission is the collection and redistribution of donations to needy and homeless populations throughout the Kingdom, is actively involved in achieving this goal.

Through food aid, the Food Bank also participates in SDG 4 "Quality Education":

Education being a powerful means to achieve sustainable development. The Food Bank contributes to the fight against school dropout in rural areas, by providing regular food aid to social welfare institutions commonly called dar taleba and taleb. This allows the associations in charge of these establishments to ensure decent conditions for the girls and boys boarding. The final objective is to ensure access for all to quality education on an equal footing, as emphasized by the United Nations.

The Food Bank also seeks to align its actions with SDG 5 "Gender Equality" and SDG 10 "Reduced Inequality" :

Indeed, guaranteeing the schooling of young girls, providing assistance to people with specific needs such as women victims of violence and the homeless, and acting in emergency situations such as natural disasters occupy a prominent place in the activities of the Food Bank.

Finally, the Food Bank agrees with SDG 13 "Fight against climate change":

In particular through its support to the fight against food waste. Indeed, our actions allow hundreds of tons of foodstuffs with a short use-by date to be used instead of being destroyed, and thus, to reduce their carbon footprint at the same time. We also encourage our partners to mutualize.

The Food Bank ensures that the SDGs are integrated into its activities and that it is aligned with internationally agreed standards and values.More specifically, the Food Bank is aligned with the SDG 2 Zero Hunger:

To eliminate hunger and ensure food security. Indeed, hunger remains a significant obstacle to sustainable development, even though it is the basis for a better future. Hunger limits human development and can also hinder other MDGs such as those related to education, gender equality and health. The Food Bank, whose main mission is the collection and redistribution of donations to needy and homeless populations throughout the Kingdom, is actively involved in achieving this goal.

